Monday, April 1, 2013

School's Out For Summer?!

School's out.

No really, I'm done with lectures until September. My Roman History teacher closed out the class with "Have a nice summer!" ... so bizarre.

Unfortunately, this means the start of exams and more essays for me. As of today, I'm done with three of my six classes and I will be done with all six by the end of April. The last week and a half has really sucked for me. I've been writing papers constantly. I'm actually taking a break writing a paper to write this blog (my body is screaming at me to stop moving my fingers all together, but oh well). I'll give you the total amount of words that I have written this semester at the end of this month. Be excited.

What all these papers have taught me is to appreciate testing. I hate tests. College here is a lot different because instead of continuous assessment  your grade pretty much relies on one or two papers.. But after writing all of these papers my mind has traveled to a dark, dark space. Sigh. Only 5000 more words to go this month.

I'm drained lately. It could be the papers... or it can be the fact that I'm pregnant with an Irish lad's baby! Sorry, that was my really bad attempt at an April Fool's joke. Oops.

Luckily for me, I received a package last week from my best friend, Katrina! It was a much needed sugar/confidence boost for getting stuff done. I ate all the candy in two days. Oops x2.

Love my wifey. <3

Now.. To fill yas in on some lighter material. It was Easter this weekend! Ireland is really Catholic, so pretty much everyone celebrates. I was surprised by a few things, mainly the restriction of selling alcohol on Good Friday. I'm fairly sure it's not like this in America... but I wouldn't know since I just turned 21 in December. I haven't even had the chance to take advantage of my age back in the states!

Galway celebrated Easter with a Food Festival last Saturday! Crystal and I met up and walked through the markets in town. We happened upon the Spanish Arch where they had a ton of vendors! They had burgers, crepes, Thai food, desserts, a chocolate fountain, giant cookies... you get the picture. I really wanted the chocolate covered strawberries but they were 5 euro for 5 strawberries!! That's like 8 dollars!! So I settled on a burger. I mean it was a tasty burger... but those strawberries man.

Crystal's photography skillz

Seductively eating my food.

I spent Easter writing my paper. It was not a very exciting day, to be honest. Instead of eating a giant dinner or brunch, I had a grilled cheese. BUT THERE WAS LOVE IN THAT SANDWICH OKAY.
So now I need to finish this paper before.....

SPAIN! I'm leaving on Wednesday and I'm really excited (.. and a bit nervous)! I'm staying with one of my best friends from home, Alex, who has been going to school in Madrid for the last few years. After a week in Madrid I head to England with Anne! It's going to be a really awesome two weeks. :)

Well, I must go back to writing my paper. It's unfortunate because I'm sitting by the window in the reading room at school and the sun is shining. I actually might be getting a sunburn. Oh don't worry--it's still 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Sending love. xx

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