Sunday, May 12, 2013

So.. how many of my favorite clothes have I ruined or lost this semester?

My favorite gray hat :((((((((((((((((((( This hat was lost when I was running across the street to buy commerce ball tickets at 5 in the morning. This one hurts the most. RIP.

Stylish... yet warm and cozy.

Hanging on my head for dear life....

Or remember that time where I walked around Edinburgh with ripped tights and did not realize until the hole was four inches? Yep. I only had two pairs of tights that weekend. Thanks Ryanair baggage restrictions.

You can barely see the hole forming here... right behind the knee. It was too late.

Purple tights... never forget.

I've also ripped three pairs of black tights while living here. Guess my lifestyle is just too crazy.

Also ruined these black tights. But they aren't unique purple tights :(

And what about my black boots? Threw them out in Spain. I realized when I was walking around Galway and there was more water in my shoes than on the ground--it was time for them to go.

They've flown with me around the world

Then tragedy stuck again. I lost my pink ear warmer thing! I think it's probably blowing down the streets of Dublin. At least it had a good life. Luckily my mom found me another & sent it to me. Aw yesh.

Warming my noodle so it is ready for knowledge

The new pink thingy will never take the place of the old......

OH. And what about those gray gloves in the second to last picture? Notice that I'm only wearing one? That is because I left one of them on the coach when I was on a field trip to the Burren with my archaeology class. D'oh.


I also lost the second one somehow.

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